What constitutes active, you ask? Well, all you need to do is sell/purchase $300/quarter. That comes out to be about $100/month if you break it down into bite sized pieces. Even better, if you are looking for an opportunity to be your own boss, run your own business, Stampin' Up! is perfect for that too! Who wouldn't love to "go to work" and do what you love?
Stampin' Up! is the BEST "job" I've ever had. I get to share my love with others and make them smile, I get to decide how much time I put into MY business and how hard I want to work at MY business etc. I get to decide how to run my customer service, which is TOP NOTCH, I might add. (I am a firm believer in the Golden Rule!)
1. Can you make a living with Stampin' Up! as a Demonstrator? - Yes you can, as long as you're willing to do the work, I know many who do2. Can being a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator help you to support your stamping addiction? Yes it can - it does mine :)
3. Can being a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator save you money? Oh yeah...20-25%
4. Do I need to have home party's to be a Demonstrator? - Only if you want to do them
5. Do I need to hold classes as a Demonstrator? - Again, only if you want to hold them. Remember, this is YOUR business, you do what works for you!
6. What happens if I get the starter kit and then decide I don't want to be a demonstrator? - Nothing. Nothing happens. If you don't place any more orders as a demo and don't meet your quarterly minimum, you will be "dropped" from your demonstrator-ship, with no penalty and no harassment.
7. Are there any other "perks" for being a Demonstrator? - Yes! You will receive the quarterly magazine, Stampin' Success, chock full of design ideas, business training and just plain fun; access to the Stampin' Up! demonstrator website, which contains a plethora of training videos and information too numerous to count; the opportunity to attend On-Stage events (convention) to party and learn with other demos around the world; access to private demonstrator Facebook groups for more opportunities to interact with demos from around the globe; early access to new product before anyone else; and access to the demo only website, Stampin' Connection - it's like a Facebook for demonstrators with lots of sharing and design ideas.
8. Why should I join the Kreative Heart Stampers? - I will help you determine your business goals, whether they are to build a profitable business or to just maintain your discount through team meetings both live and virtual, one on one sessions, team swaps, and a team business page. Access to all of my classes and just plain fun and I would LOVE to have YOU be a part of our team!
Are you ready? Click here to join!
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Do you have more questions? Click Here to get answers.
I wish you all a wonderful day and happy stamping! Oh and before I forget, be sure to stop by Sunday at 8pm EST to check out the blog hop! I promise, it will be AWESOME with LOTS of amazing ideas using bundles from the new catalog!
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