That's right! You heard me, we have a surprise FREE shipping today! Even Tucker did a back flip for FREE shipping! And really, who wouldn't? Believe it or not, shipping adds a chunk of change to your order total and to get it FREE, is UH-MAZING! As a matter of fact, I just turned in a HUGE order myself to take full advantage of this deal.
Seriously, if you have a few little things on your list that you need like trimmer blades and such, now is the time to grab them because who wants to pay $6.95 to ship a little $4 item? Or adhesive? Get it now with FREE shipping! And then there are the BIG orders where shipping is 10% of your order total...that can add up too. Like the Big Shot for instance, that's a $110 item, that alone is $11 to ship! So, seriously, if you have anything on your wishlist, today is the day to do it. And, if you use the Host Code:
JP3M2GM4 and all combined orders total $150, you will be added to the drawing for the $15 Host Rewards!
Click Here to shop
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