Hello and Happy Thursday! Well have you missed me? I'm going to start calling myself the Drama Mamma...OH EM GEEEE! I'm not even sure where to begin. Let's just say, it's been one thing after another and leave it at that....It all started with a failed trip to Mobile, Alabama (hmmm, we're gonna try that one again in a few weeks - fingers crossed it works this time) then, I got hacked and my Instagram account was STOLEN! For real...STOLEN! I was able to track down my account using a personal # but unfortunately, Instagram wouldn't help me recover my account. Finally, early this week, the hacker removed my photos, changed the account name again and kept my email address, kept all of my followers and passed themselves off as an Instagram Marketer! I again notified Instagram...I still haven't heard anything back from them and warned as many of my friends and followers as I could that this person was fraudulent and to block them which many of them did do and many "reported" them as well and as of this morning, it appears either the account was removed or I was blocked from seeing them? But I must say, that is the most awful feeling! You truly feel violated and when my photos were still there and I could see my little dog and my husband with someone else's name attached...it was down right creepy and that just made me so sad...so that consumed a large amount of my time and didn't leave anytime for my blog...so for that I am so sorry. But on a side note as a PSA...please do yourself a HUGE favor..turn on 2 factor Authentication for all of your social media accounts! It's amazing what unscrupulous people will do! I have now changed ALL of my passwords and turned on the 2 factor authentication (all that is, is when you attempt to log in, Instagram or Facebook will text you a code in addition to putting in your password, you will enter the code they text you also. That confirms it is really you and not someone that just hacked your account password..you need both to get in.
Ok, now, the good stuff! Today is the last day to order off the retirement list! After today, it all goes away FOREVER...but, tomorrow after 12 PM MT the new 2018-2019 Annual Catalog goes live! Talk about happy dance! I just LOVE this new catalog! Just wait until you see it if you haven't seen it already! And to celebrate, tomorrow night, I will be Live on my Facebook page at 7 PM EDT, doing a walk through of the catalog, a little stamping and announcing an UH-MAZING give away you won't want to miss...so be sure to join me to learn how you can win this brand new stamp set! So, grab your favorite beverage and come party with me!
Happy Stamping,
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